Dental Issues For Seniors To Watch Out For
As everyone knows, the baby boomers are hitting retirement age. That means over the next several years there will be upwards of 65 million...
Are You Always Cold? Here’s Why:
In households all across America a battle is raging. That battle is over the thermostat. Even though couples live under the same roof, they...
The Best Approach To Preventing Infections
Look around. You’re surrounded. Even if you’re sitting in a room all by yourself, you’re still surrounded but it’s not by people or pets....
Amazing Health Benefits From Yoga
Yoga has been around for centuries. It is practiced in every corner of the world and for many it has transformed their lives. You...
Watch Out For These Health Problems From Too Much Driving
Driving is a major part of the daily lives of many folks across the country. It is unavoidable. This is how we get to...
Get Your Home Ready For Allergy Season
It might be cold where you are right now but spring will get here in time and with that change of season there will...
The Problem With Sugar: It’s Everywhere
Has there ever been something so satisfying and confounding as sugar? It makes everything taste better but when taken in abundance, it can wreck...
Vital Routine Health Screenings for Seniors
There is no escaping the simple fact that our population is getting older. Right now, there are around 65 million baby boomers who will...
Don’t Worry. Be Happy With These Daily Actions
Are you happy? That is a rather loaded question and the answer might depend on the time of day it is asked. Happiness is...
Retirement Communities, Assisted Living, Personal Care Homes. What Is The Difference?
At some point, you or your elderly loved one might need to make a transition in their living arrangements. There are three basic options:...