Fourth of July brings together family, friends, and neighbors and ultimately the community to celebrate a moment in the past. During celebrations at barbeques, the summer heat and noise can take a toll during all this excitement. You most defiantly don’t want to miss out on the fun but taking certain precautions can make for greater times with friends and family.
Here are 4 Friendly Reminders to keep yourself calm, cool and relaxed.
Stay Protected
It is an easy thing to forget. You’re out in the sun and have a drink to keep you cool – which is great, but your skin is still exposed. Just have a hat and sunglasses handy. Most importantly don’t forget the sunblock. If you’re going to be out in the sun for the majority of the day, rule of thumb re-apply every two hours.
Take Breaks
Go inside occasionally. All the noise can really exhaust you. Find a quiet space inside a home and take a moment to decompress before going back out to the festivities. You’ll be able to stay out longer and not feel overwhelmed by the end of the night.
Stay Hydrated
It’s an easy thing to forget but that’s why we’re here to remind you. Don’t forget to drink some water. Especially if you’ll be out in the that for long periods of time.
Move Around
Play a game, mingle with others. Keep you your blood flow going. Plus, bonding with others while playing a game is a good way to socialize.
Most importantly – Have a Happy and Safe Fourth of July!