How to Keep Your Dog Cool in the Summer

With the heat of the summer building up throughout the next few months, there is much to consider in the ability to keep your dogs cool. While they are easily overheated due to the fur coat and their love to run actively outside, there is much to consider in helping them remain cool, safe, and healthy despite the impact of the hot weather.

  1. Some of the easiest ways to help provide your dog access to simple cooling while playing outside in the yard include the following:
  2. Encourage them to stay in shaded areas away from direct sunlight
  3. Put down damp towels for them to lie on
  4. Put the garden sprinkler on
  5. Keep a paddling pool in the shade for them to splash about in

These are all simple steps that can be taken for the coolness of your dogs who like to spend their time outside in the yard playing. Even though there are many other options to take on with the ability to make it even easier to keep your dogs cool and safe, these are some of the easiest ones to help them keep the same outdoor activity schedule as they are used to.

  1. Additionally, throughout the hot months, there is much to consider in the safety of dogs and keeping them cool in some of our common locations. Some things to ensure the protection of your dogs throughout the hottest time of the year include:
  2. Never leave dogs in cars because it can be fatal.
  3. Always remember to water for your dog when playing or walking outside.
  4. Plan your walks for the more comfortable times of the day, avoiding the midday sun.
  5. Try new games that help your dog avoid running around too much in the heat.
  6. Keep up with grooming or clipping of your dog’s coat, trimming it down, and keeping it free of knots.

With all of this done, there is much to do easily to help your dogs remain cool in a safe and comfortable manner all throughout the summer!