No this is not a post about your St. Patrick’s Day spirit. Instead, we’re talking about how green you are when it comes to recycling, saving energy and doing your part to protect the environment. Let’s stipulate for the record, that you’re probably involved in home recycling. This is made easier when your city provides a recycling bin. Once you get into the habit of sorting papers, plastics, glass and soda cans it becomes second nature to you. All good things but you don’t have to stop there. Maybe you need to think about what kind of businesses you do business with. Is your favorite restaurant sustainable? What happens when you step outside your home? Are you still staying green? Here are some ways you get your green on!

Walk More

Every time you get behind the wheel of your car, your carbon footprint is inching up. Unless you’re driving an electric car. In that case, you get a free pass! Carbon emissions from cars are a big offender when it comes to climate change. That’s why you should consider walking more. That might not always be practical so think about car pooling. If you’re going to meet a friend for lunch or dinner, then just have one of you drive. If you can take public transportation to work, then go for it. Even riding the bus one day can be a big plus in your “green column.”

Buy Smart

Any new appliance or product you bring into your house should go through a green test. For the machines, they should all be EnergyStar rated. This tells you that the model is designed for energy efficiency. If your fridge, washer, dryer or dishwasher aren’t EnergyStar rated, it might be time for an upgrade.

As for everything else, check the packaging to see if it is made from recycled materials. If that packaging isn’t made from recycled materials, then fire off an email to the company and ask them, “Why not?” That can make a huge difference, too.

Save Water

It’s not a stretch to say that most of the water you use in your home goes right down the drain. That is a lot of waste. You can be proactive with your water use. For instance, you don’t need to run the tap while you’re brushing your teeth. Your showers can be a lot shorter, too. Not only will this save on your water bill but if you live in drought areas you’ll be doing your part for the community.

Don’t Waste Food

Food waste is a big issue that is getting more attention these days. Grocery stores are obligated to throw out food when it has expired even if it is still good. Before your toss your expired food, check out it’s real shelf life.

Staying green is really about a minor shift in attitude. You don’t have to turn your life upside down to protect the environment. All the tools are right in front of you. Use them wisely. How green are you?