Ask any doctor the key to living a long life and they’ll probably tell you, “Don’t fall.” Falls are the number one cause of injuries for seniors. The result of those falls can be anything from a minor bruise to a major hip fracture. This is why you have to be proactive about preventing falls. The house you lived in at 40 might not be a safe place for you in your 60s. Here are some of the things you can do to prevent falls around the house:
Clear Out the Clutter
Remember when there were kids in the house? How many toys did you trip over? The older we become the more precarious our balance becomes. It won’t take much for us to trip over and take a tumble. That is why you want to remove clutter from the home. That is vitally true for any clutter on the floors or stairs. One spill of old magazines can lead to your own spill.
Repair Tripping Hazards
You need to slowly go through every pathway in your home to look for potential tripping hazards. These could be loose floorboards, slippery rugs or a loose carpet. Anything that presents itself as a tripping hazard should be repaired or replaced.
Add Handrails
Even though cosmetic surgery procedures are helping with physical imperfections, there is also an emotional connection that will be played out, too. Some improvements that you will make are going to be obvious and that’s a good thing. That’s what you’re hoping for. You want to be able to embrace those changes and the fact that you had “some work done.” Cosmetic surgery is very commonplace. This is not something you need to try and hide from family and friends. Be firm in your decision and don’t shy away from sharing it with those that matter in your life.
Avoid Baggy Clothing
You obviously want to be comfortable around your own home but that comfort should come at the expense of causing injury. Baggy pant with hems that drag on the ground can lead you to trip. You should also make sure all the socks are non-slip socks. Either that or wear shoes and/or slippers with a good tread.
Keep Rooms Bright
Brighter light bulbs can help illuminate hallways and stairs. That is vital to creating a home that is safe to navigate through. There should also be night-lights installed in bedrooms and along the path to the bathroom. This will be a big help at night.
Avoid Stairs
There might come a time when stairs are too much of a challenge to navigate even with all the add precautions. This might mean living on one level in your home or moving to a new home that is more manageable. Actually, downsizing to a home that allows you to cut back on the lawn maintenance and other upkeep can be a big boost to your overall wellbeing.