Just because the weather outside is frightful is no reason to stay inside where it is delightful. Yes, the urge might be strong to hunker down in the cold but you would be missing out on some healthy benefits from getting out in the bracing weather. That doesn’t mean you have to run a marathon when the temperature dips below 30. Here’s what to expect if you can muster up the courage to venture out in the cold:

You’ll Be Happy

Sunlight contributes to our body’s ability to produce serotonin. That is the chemical compound that makes everything feel better. In the winter, our serotonin levels drop down significantly mainly because we’re not getting daily doses of sunlight. It gets so bad for some people that they have to use light therapy to perk up.

You’ll Get a Vitamin D Boost

Serotonin isn’t the only benefit you get from the sun. You’ll also get a dose of vitamin D. This is the vitamin you need to help your body absorb calcium. It can also combat inflammation and help with your immune system. How much walking in the cold do you need to get all these benefits? A brisk 10 minutes. Seems like a fair trade off.

You Get to Be Mindful

Walking in the cold will have you focusing on one thing, “It’s cold.” That’s not a bad thing because it can also compel you to go off the grid for the duration of your walk. It allows you be more mindful of what you’re experiencing. That can go a long way towards clearing the “fog” off your brain.

You Can Improve Your Memory

Speaking of clearing the fog, a walk outside can have a positive impact on your brain’s cognitive function. In a way, it is like meditating. If you can take your cold walk surrounded by nature, then even better.

The next time it is cold outside, bundle up and head out. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you.