Life insurance can provide support to your family when they need it the most. It is also something that becomes “locked down.” In other words, the policy that you set up today can be the same policy for ten or twenty years from now. To lock that policy down and set the premiums, you might be required to take part in a medical exam. This might not be the same as your annual physical. In fact, you might find that the insurance company will dispatch a nurse to conduct the exam in your home. Still, it can be a bit anxious. Here’s what you can expect from your medical exam:
Medical History
You will probably be asked about your medical history over the phone before the actual exam. Your examiner might review those answers again.
As part of your medical history you’ll want to have the following information handy:
• List of any medications for past and current conditions
• Names and contact information for any doctors that you’ve visited in the past 5 years
• List of any and all medical conditions, when those conditions were diagnosed, and the treatment. You’ll also need to provide the treatment outcome
• Driver’s license number and expiration date
Your policy examiner will check all your current stats including height, weight, pulse, and blood pressure. You might also be asked to provide a urine and/or blood sample to test for cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Those tests can also screen for nicotine and drug use.
If you are over 50 and are applying for a policy that is worth more than $1 million, then you might be asked to take an EKG to check heart activity. That is taken by electrodes being placed on your chest to record the activity. Some insurers might also require a stress test.
Preparing for the exam you should prepare for the exam much as you would prepare for a regular physical. That prep work begins 24-hours before the exam. For that time frame, you should limit salt and high cholesterol foods like red meat. You should also avoid over-the-counter medications like nasal decongestants and antihistamines.
At least 12-hours before the exam you should avoid alcoholic beverages and strenuous exercise. Those can both raise your blood pressure. You might also ask if you should fast before the exam.
One hour before the exam avoid caffeine and be sure to drink water. Staying hydrated can help with the blood test. Although you won’t have to disrobe, you should still wear loose clothes and short sleeves.
Once the results of your medical exam are in, you’ll be presented with a premium price and your policy can begin