A Measure of Certainty in These Uncertain Times
That’s why you need LIFE INSURANCE in Retirement!
Nothing is certain in life — especially these days. That’s why having inexpensive life insurance can bring a measure of comfort in knowing that your family can have help with those unavoidable end of life expenses.
And during these unprecedented times, peace of mind is everything.
Ask Yourself The Following:
- Will your loved ones be able to pay for your memorial?
- Will they have the financial support they need during this challenging time?
- Does your family have enough for your last medical costs and other debts, and is that how you want them to spend their savings?
Help Give Your Family the Financial Security They Deserve From a Company You Can Trust
A company’s promise is only as good as the financial strength backing it. That’s why we highly recommend Life Insurance from Physicians Life Insurance Company. It’s the strength you can count on … from a company you can trust.
You Can Choose up to $15,000.00*+ of Modified Whole Life Insurance
Insurance money can make a big difference, especially when you consider that the national average cost of a funeral is about $8,800. Even a funeral with cremation can cost over $6,000, according to the National Funeral Directors Association. Plus, none of these costs include a cemetery, monument marker, or other things like flowers. 1
Remember — although many families use this to help cover expenses, your beneficiaries can use the money any way they wish, including medical bills or other debts.
*In NJ, Important Information: If you suffer an accidental death at any time, even the first day of coverage, your beneficiary gets the full benefit amount. If you die from natural causes during the first two years of coverage, your beneficiary gets 110% of the premiums you’ve paid. After that, the full benefit amount is in effect regardless of the cause of death.
The Benefits of Having Life Insurance From Physicians Life Insurance Company
Provides Permanent Protection — Unlike some life insurance that expires at a certain age or after a 10 or 20-year term, this is modified whole life insurance. This means it will be there for your family as long as you pay premiums.
It Cannot Be Canceled – Not due to declining health or because you reach a term limit. It does not expire at age 80 or 90 (unlike other term life offers you may have seen).
It’s a Time to Celebrate Life
Put this life insurance to work today, so your family will have benefits when they need them most.
“My sister had a Physicians Life insurance policy since the 1970s. She
passed in 2013. I was very impressed with how fast you paid my sister’s
claim, which I used to pay her funeral expenses. I’m glad I have life
insurance with Physicians Life. You are a wonderful company.
Thank you!”
— Joel, P., Ohio
Member of the Physicians Mutual family since 2010
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Go to this site right now and get everything you need to know about this important life insurance from Physicians Life Insurance Company. Plus get a Final Wishes Planner FREE with your Information Kit!

+IN MI: For non-accidental death during the first two years, benefits are limited to the premiums paid plus an extra 10%. Full benefits are payable for accidental death from the first day the insurance policy is in force. After two years of coverage, the FULL benefit is paid for death from any cause, less any outstanding loans against the insurance policy. You are guaranteed one insurance policy of this type if between 45-80 (MO: 45-75; NJ: 45-79). Benefits reduced the first two years. Insurance policy kind: L770 (FL: L770FL; ID: L770ID; OK: L770OK; TN: L770TN, TX: L770TX). This coverage is not available in all states. In VA: This life insurance does not specifically cover funeral goods or services. The beneficiary may use proceeds for any purpose unless otherwise directed. The face amount is not guaranteed to increase at the same rate as the cost of a funeral.
Article sponsored by Physicians Life Insurance Company®